Benefits Of Musical Learning In Child Care

There is a reason that music has been a big part of our cultures since almost the beginning of time, it brings us joy and sadness; soothes, excites, impassions, and unites us. We incorporate into our ceremonies, religion, and entertainment. Even babies wave their hands, kick their legs, and bob their heads when they hear music. As they get older, they dance and sing along or make up their own songs. So why is musical learning at childcare so important? Let’s take a look.


Studies have shown that few activities use both sides of the brain (logical and creative), like creating music does. A musical rhythm teaches children how to count the beat, to keep time – improving numeracy and mathematical skills. The lyrics help with word recognition and processing sound – literacy, language, and reading skills. Singing helps strengthen our memories. In fact, studies have shown that music can accelerate brain development by building more brain connectors early in a child’s life. Another good thing about music, is that it’s fun, and when we are having fun, our mind is more receptive to learning. We also often enjoy music in groups, bringing a social aspect to it – building social skills.


Children love to dance. They don’t care what they look like, there is no good or bad, it’s all just dancing. Whether they are kicking their legs in their baby seat or dancing to their favourite song, children can’t help themselves when music starts, they move. It brings mind and body together, working as one. They may have their own moves, or they like to follow the dance steps, it doesn’t matter, each has merits. Firstly, the fact the children are up and moving, exercising, is good. Dancing to their own direction stimulates the child’s creativity. Following someone else’s choreography uses quick thinking, good reactions, and memory. Both dance types improve motor skills like balance and coordination, their self-expression, and confidence.

The Benefits of Music Education | Parenting… | PBS KIDS for Parents


Listening to, participating in, and creating music or dance connects us with our emotions. For children it is the same, they learn to express their feelings, to embrace them, and to recognise them in themselves and in others. We can find release and peace through music and self-expression. The earlier we are introduced to the cognitive and creative benefits of music the better for our development. Introducing musical learning at childcare can greatly improve your child’s numeracy, literacy, and emotional skills; making a difference that could benefit them throughout the future.

A quick internet search can help you find out whether music is offered in your local childcare centres. Perhaps you are looking for Childcare Bracken Ridge, here you will find more information on child care in the suburb. If you are not from that area, then enter your suburb name into the website in place of Bracken Ridge.

Check for childcare providers that incorporate the benefits of learning music and dance into their daily curriculum to ensure your child gets their best start.

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